Tag Archives: MacGyver

Doodle 89 | Mullet


Doodle 89 | Mullet

I was following Von Holdt’s blog and found that he used a technique he got fromĀ Jeff Gregory’s blog of rolling a die and using that number to determine how many minutes you have to make your doodle. I liked the idea but decided I wanted to do it faster! So I found a site that generates a random number and I sent the range from 1-60. I figured I could do a doodle in 1 second or 1 minute, but the generator gave me a six so I had 6 seconds. Well, sure enough I ran out of time after the eyes and the mouth and wanted to do more! So I gave myself a minute and finished this guy up. I felt like he needed a mullet. Man I wish those were the norm.. He kind of looks like MacGyver as a kid!

Doodle 63 | MacGyver


Doodle 63 | MacGyver

I’m a big MacGyver fan and while on spring break I’ve been spending my time watching the Season 1 DVD. Each of the discs has different signature Mac tools so I decided to draw them. Whats your favorite show from the 80s? I have the scanned version of it now but I liked the way its angled so I’ll keep the photo of the doodle up as well.

The scanned image after the jump.

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